Please note that the 4 files detailed below remain the property of Raymond Moodley, Fabio Caraffini, Francisco Chiclana, and Mario Gongora. These files are used to help organisations with the management of pandemics / epidemics. Using these for any purpose other than its intention or for financial gain is strictly prohibited without the consent of the owners. Please email if you have any queries. The data fields in the input file Dataset_1 are obtained from publicly available sources, including Office of National Statistics, UK, UK Parliament, and UK Department for Education The file details are as follows: 1. Dataset_1 (input file for SOM_Model-with-GB-map) Fields: Index - row number Region - region in the UK Code - parliamentary constituency code as used by Office of National Statistics (ONS) and UK Parliament Child, Adult, Over 60s, Total People - data is obtained from UK Parliament website - see constituency dashboard Vulnerability - it is the ratio of over 60s to total population Commute - the nett jobs available in a constituency - nett jobs done by constituents - taken from ONS School mobility - ratio of out of local area movement of primary school children - taken from ONS, Department for Education - Scotland and Wales assumed at 0.01 and 0.013 respectively. Some data points spans across multiple constituencies - all consituencies for that data point are given the same value. Population Density - data is obtained from UK Parliament website - see constituency dashboard People per House - data obtained from ONS website and UK Parliament (total population divided by number of houses) Economic Output - GVA taken from ONS website - provided by region which encompasses multiple constituencies - divided equally amongst constituencies. 2. party_colour This is the HEX_CODE colour coding (based on terrain colour palette) for R 3. SIR_model-SIMULATOR Program to simulate SIR 4. SOM_model_with-GB-map Program to create SOM